What a thrill it was to see our Nolans Road bottles of oil lined up on every place along the exquisitely turned-out table winding its way along the path under the majestic oaks of the Hamilton Botanical Garden for the World’s Longest Lunch feast. It had taken a nano-second to say yes to Bruach Colliton and Sebastian Eales from The Roxburgh when they asked if Nolans Road would contribute to the first course they were preparing - all for charity - for this annual highlight in the foodie calendar of Victoria’s Western Districts. Back at the farm, Cathy Romer and I kept our hands steady as we filled 160 50ml bottles, half of the bottles with our Robust oil and the other half with our Delicate, so everyone would have their very own supply of olive oil when they sat down. At Hansen Print in Naracoorte, Sharyn Hansen pulled out all stops as usual to print the cute little fold out brochures that came with every bottle. On the day, the rain held off, hooray. And even better, the Rotary Club of Hamilton, organizers of the lunch were able to donate $8,000 to Hamilton’s Mulleraterong Centre which cares for people of all ages with disabilities. If you would like to help the Centre, you can make a donation at http://www.mycause.com.au/mycause/raise_money/charity.php?id=366